Nowadays, few people do not have a mobile phone or are still stuck with some of the old models. Most people decided 15 years ago to embrace modern technology and get a new, smartphone. These small computers have almost completely replaced classic computers and laptops, and the display itself has been customized thanks to many mobile applications.
It is human nature to strive to provide the best possible living conditions for oneself and one’s family. Therefore, we should not be surprised by the fact that more and more people are looking for additional jobs, and there are also more and more who see the opportunity to earn in cryptocurrencies. Cryptocurrencies have been present on the market for 13 years. We can say that Bitcoin is the currency that started everything and that it still holds a monopoly today. In other words, this currency has grown to an unexpectedly high value, and despite volatility, it still survives at the top. Of course, among the thousands of different cryptocurrencies, there are much more worth investing in even though their value is far less compared to bitcoin. On you can learn that investing in such currencies can be very profitable.

Cryptocurrency trading also carries certain risks. This market is extremely volatile and prices can rise or fall in a short time. All of this suggests that cryptocurrency trading is not secure and you need to be prepared for a loss. The main thing that brings profit is the correct timing for entering the market. There are two ways to earn cryptocurrencies – trading and mining. You will need a computer for both methods. However, as we have already said, 90% of us have our little computers with us all the time – androids. Since they are already used to pay bills, take photos, communicate, and have fun, then why not use them to make money? If you are wondering how this is possible, you will find it out below.
You can even buy bitcoins on your mobile phone, and there are other ways such as an exchange or crypto ATM. In any case, after making a purchase you will have to store that digital money somewhere. Since we are also talking about androids, you can choose the so-called hot wallet, ie the one that only requires internet access, and that is something we all have. However, it is important to note that everything on the Internet can be the target of a hacker attack, including your money.

The next step is to find a platform. The inexperienced will think that this is not a problem given that the internet is full of various trading platforms, but precisely because of the many scams, it is not always easy to find a reliable one. To succeed, you need to be very careful, and one of the useful things is to read the reviews of other users.
We come to the interesting part – you have a smartphone, bitcoin, but you don’t know how to trade. Simply, the solution lies in software applications intended for those who do not have time to monitor the situation on the market (because it is something that requires a lot of time, given that the value can change several times a day) or simply do not want to spend their time free time. Fortunately, they don’t have to. The operation of these applications is based on artificial intelligence, which is responsible for monitoring every, even the smallest change in the market, and informing you about it. So, you enjoy it and your phone does everything for you. When choosing an app, find one that has everything you need – if you like a chart view, find one. It is important that it is easy to use.
What you should definitely have on your phone, especially if you use it for trading or any other form where money is at stake, is definitely an antivirus. The protection of systems running applications as well as the protection of the applications themselves is becoming increasingly complex as migration to mobile platforms takes place. We must say that mobile platforms are far more vulnerable and sensitive to hacker attacks than computer platforms. Mobile phones with the Android operating system are especially sensitive, while mobile devices running iOS are much safer. However, there are companies that deal exclusively with the development of security software for different platforms, which are often called antivirus software.

You are probably already aware that mining consumes large amounts of electricity and requires quality computer equipment. How then is mobile mining possible? There are several applications on the Internet that will help you collect cryptocurrencies on your smartphones from now on. Although the amount of cryptocurrency will not be proportional to the amount you would collect via computer and it is better than nothing. For example, if you “like” one of the advertised products or a page where something is advertised, you will get a satoshi. If, for example, you buy an application or if you perform a task that involves more effort (and your invested money), you have the opportunity to get more satoshi, which means that you will be closer to getting the whole Bitcoin. Thus, cryptocurrency faucets are in fact websites or applications that reward their users by giving them one (or more) satoshi if the user performs various tasks.
Final words
Although investing in certain coins is more profitable than in others, one should be careful in any case. Every investor has their own strategy, but many agree that it is best to invest in several different currencies, at least when it comes to volatility, to which all currencies are subject. So, if the value of Ripple drops and you lose what you invested, you will at least save some of the money you invested in Ethereum, Bitcoin, and Ripple. In any case, in this business, you have to be patient and wait for the right moment to buy or sell coins.