During our life, each of us finds a specific area in which we will focus professionally or which we will use as an area from which we will choose our hobby. So, for example, some people like to do activities that activate creativity, such as photography. Photography has become very important in our life, especially nowadays when we have an abundance of technology that gives us opportunities to make amazing works. People love taking photos everywhere they go, and we can see that from the huge number of masterpieces that are regularly published on the Internet. Mobile photography apps such as Instagram, Snapchat, etc., have created a whole new way of living life through pictures, but you can still find specialized profiles that publish a real professional photo that requires special equipment.
But when you travel or go to a nearby destination where you can take great photos, it’s important to bring along some good equipment. While cameras are no longer bulky or heavy, you still want to include the essentials in your travel backpack to be able to capture some of the most beautiful moments. Today, we will tell you the seven things you should pack in your travel bag before heading out of town or to a nearby location.
Travel photographers are often required to carry heavy gear around. They must take their camera bags containing lenses, lens adapters, flash, memory cards, filters, batteries and chargers, and other accessories. This can weigh as much as 20 pounds or even 50 lbs. It might seem impossible at first glance, but packing light helps photographers save time because they spend less energy walking or carrying heavy items. They pack other types of gear as well, but anyway, that gear is very important in order to get what they want, which is a photo that will tell a story and leave everyone speechless. For a photographer to come up with such a photo, it takes time, but it also requires equipment. So let’s see what is needed to go on a trip with all the necessary equipment. Today’s guide will help you a lot with that. Let’s get started!
1. First of all, the most important thing is to pack your camera nicely

A DSLR camera body is a great way to take high-quality pictures while traveling. If you’re shooting landscapes, wildlife, food, etc., you might want to consider a full-frame DSLR. You should get a higher megapixel rating if you plan on taking lots of images — otherwise, you won’t be able to print them large enough to share at home. An entry-level DSLR like the models that camera brands offer starts at around $600. A top-of-the-line model could cost over $3000, but anyway we are sure that you have already invested or would invest in the perfect camera that will bring you the best photos when you travel. Make sure to check out our best travel cameras guide before buying, if you haven’t bought a camera yet!
2. A lens that fits your needs
If you’re planning on using a zoom lens, make sure to buy a wide-angle first so you can get the photos you want to get. When you’re going abroad, you may not have access to certain items, including lenses. Having a telephoto lens means you don’t need to carry a lot of extra gear. That’s why it’s a good idea to research all the lenses you need for your camera and make the best decision for yourself, and then take it with you on your trip.
3. It is very important to have with you the ideal charger that will give you energy for the device everywhere

When you go on a trip, you need to be aware that there is a possibility that you will spend most of the day on the move taking pictures. Anyway, taking pictures is fun as long as you don’t run out of battery on your device, but that’s why it’s important to have a charger with you, and it’s best to have the ideal one. What is the ideal charger? Experts say that the EBL charger is perhaps the best solution because it offers you the opportunity to charge several batteries at once, and in addition, in a very short time you can get batteries ready for a new adventure with your camera.
4. Tripod
Your tripod lets you use slow shutter speeds without having to worry about blurry shots. And being lightweight, durable, and compact make it easier to pack in your bag. There’s no shortage of tripods, starting at just under $50. The Internet can offer you ideal solutions if you haven’t found an ideal tripod yet, and if you already have everything you need, just pack it and take it with you on your trip.
5. Memory cards

You don’t want to lose any precious moments. Keep at least two memory cards in your bag – at least 64GB each – to store files from your travels. We also suggest cards that have a larger capacity to have more space for new photographic works. So keep two cards in case one of them malfunctions or you lose it and be always ready. However, traveling brings a lot of beautiful things, but sometimes it also brings challenges that you need to face and deal with on time.
6. Protective clothing for your device
You know, sometimes photography can take place in unfavorable weather conditions, which means that you need to think about protecting your device, especially if you want to take photos in wet conditions. That’s why it’s important to think about this part as well by finding the ideal solution in terms of protective cloth for your device.
7. Good lighting

We know what you’re thinking: “But I only need my phone…” While your phone does provide some handy features when traveling, you still need a decent amount of lighting equipment. Invest in some external flashlights and spare batteries. Also, bring a few small torches to help illuminate dark places to get the ideal thing that you have imagined in your head.
Only after you have all this necessary equipment for your exciting trip will you be ready to go on a new adventure where you will take a lot of flawless pictures. Take a good look at the things you can’t go without and get ready to enjoy and take great photos.