With the crypto market going hard and with all of these tokens popping up, all of you that are exploring the opportunities of crypto investments probably have a question or two about which token you should invest in.
Well, today we will talk to you about that, or rather about one particular we came across with some good research behind it. Now we understand that there have been promotions of certain tokens all around social media and there were some famous people, mainly influencers pushing certain tokens that didn’t pan out the way you wanted. There has been a lot of rug pulls going on and we understand that you probably are cringing at this title. What we want to tell you is that this will be factual and that this has good research behind and we do not want to suggest you invest in it if you don’t want.
Read what we have to tell you and do your research and then, and only then you may decide to invest or pass. It is all up to you we just want to familiarize you with a token called Zoo Token. The research and more info about it can be found if you click here.
What is a Zoo Token? Well, you probably know all about other animal tokens out there like Shiba Inu Token, Akira Inu Token, Pig Finance and others, and pull them here into a universal hub that will promote their key values. Those coins will no longer just be a trend of the day or week but they will be put in a Zoo Token ecosystem where they will quickly hit their prime. Now, this explanation isn’t drawing anyone to this particular token and at first, we weren’t that wowed by it. what it will offer you is the ability to bet on your favourite token. It is called a race and each race will feature several coins that will compete for the title. You will be offered an insight into the growth rate of each of these tokens based on their development and you will have a small window of time to bet on the token you believe will be the fastest growing one. The winners of the prediction will all proportionately share 95% of the total losers’ wagers while the remaining 5% will be allocated to the liquidity pool of the Zoo Token and as a subscription charge.
Now all of this sounds a bit like gambling and it sort of is, but at least it is a fun type of gambling. You will be able to predict and be amid all these happenings, keeping track of all the animal tokens and based on your bet you can make side investments on the market in the same token or tokens and make it worth your while even more. The basic idea behind this is innovative and fun which is the reason we decided to tell you more about this.
Another cool feature that will be integrated into ZOO Token is the availability of the ZIndex. This is their in-house interface that will allow all animal tokens to be stacked up against each other on a scale that goes to 100. This will give you clearer insight and an overall picture of which of these coins is more likely to succeed or go up in value according to the parameters set by Zoo Token finance’s audit standards.

Besides these two, the ZOO Token will offer another feature called a ZooPad that will allow you to purchase reputable animal coins directly through the app thanks to the public sales, fundraisers, Whitelist ICO and other forms.
This is all just a beginning for the Zoo Token and they are still young but the amount of forwarding thinking and acting is incredible. This is something all of you need to research more and try to find a way to support it. One platform working with a bunch of meme coins and tokens that have been created for laughs, drawing out the best of them and allowing you to track all of that in one place is remarkable.
Another thing we saved for the end is the Zoo NFT. Now we all know what are NFTs and how much have certain ones skyrocketed in price which is why we also believe that this NFT can reach as well. These are limited as always and an investor can get their hands on some of them if they are quick. The price of these will be tied to numerous factors but one of those will be the success of the token as well. So, if you support the token and if you are involved in it then your NFT, if you are holding it, will grow in price as well.
This is a sure deal and a sure thing that will grow even more over time. As we already mentioned it is still young and needs more work and development and thanks to some data online, we found out that since it was founded it has done nothing but grow. Now the growth isn’t something you probably are expecting, but it is steadily growing over time. If you think about it Bitcoin wasn’t stable and booming when it started and the first big jumps in value were seen after several years.
We believe that this Zoo Token will be big and worth investing in. The team behind it seems confident and it seems that they know what they are doing so why not support them and ride their wave for as long it is good?
The best thing for you to do is read the info from the link and inform yourself. Go to their website and see what they have to tell you and dig deeper if you need. These things are always a bit fiddly and it is difficult to say “yes, do this we stand behind it”. with all the issues that follow this type of investment, we want to state that this is no financial advice, that we are presenting this as a perspective coin that we liked and backed personally with some small donation. You do what you need to, the info is in front of you.
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