Obesity and overweight problems result in increasing the fat ratio in the pubic area. Moreover, this is an extremely common thing with obese men. But don’t worry, you can get rid of this fat pad. The most common method of fat removal that has been used nowadays is through liposuction. It will get rid of all the excessive fat from the area you want.
Get to know about Fat Reduction Procedures

And if it is not only fat but also a lot of skin that makes the area look heavy, there is also a solution. You can go through the “Pubic lift” procedure that will get rid of both at the same time. This and other surgical procedures are quite useful in building men’s confidence. You can also know about different other techniques from Dr. Elist. Or can you check out what else is there for you at drelist.com
Why do people go through pubic fat pad removal?
Usually, this is the first step of the penis enlargement procedure. Excessive fat in the pubic region makes it look enlarged. Therefore, the penis will appear to be buried in it and looks smaller than the actual size. So when you get rid of the excessive fat, the penis will appear to be enlarged. Thus, you won’t have to go through much.
What is the procedure of “Pubic Fat Pad Removal”?
This process involves small liposuction that gets rid of the excessive fat from the desired area of the body. Although it is not a surgical process, you will be given a general anesthetic for the procedure. Besides, it will not be a time taking approach, you will be done within a short time.
Does it take a long time to recover after this?

The recovery after the liposuction depends upon patients. It varies from person to person and their overall health. Although you will have to face slight discomfort and a bit of swelling, you won’t need to stay at the hospital. You can come back home and remain at your own comfort.
To get rid of the pain and discomfort, you can have medicines prescribed by your doctor. It would help if you gave proper time to your body to get it healed naturally. It will take around 6 weeks for complete recovery.
How will you know if you need liposuction?
It is easy to detect by yourself. If you can look at your penis easily by looking down, it is okay. But if you are unable to look at that by yourself, your pubic area is having an excess amount of fat. Thus, you will need a surgical removal method.
Will this method makes the penis look enlarged?
Yes, of course. The layers of fat and skin will make the penis look like it is buried in the skin. Thus, it will look smaller. And after the liposuction, you will have an enlarged penis.
Is it a safe method?

Liposuction is a safer technique in various aspects. And the fat pad removal procedure involves the liposuction technique. Although there might be some complications in the process but it depends upon your health. Therefore, the doctor will analyze your medical history first and will then suggest the method.
Therefore, you do not have to worry about the safety of the procedure. You will also get the general or twilight or the local anesthetic before the surgery. The anesthetic will be determined based upon your health condition.
Is it a long-lasting procedure?
If you have genetic obesity, you will have to ensure the proper weight of your body. Therefore, you will also have to manage your diet and have to do an appropriate exercise. So even after the surgery, you will have to maintain your weight of the body.
The results will be long-lasting only if you can manage it well. You can go through body measurements and know about the fat ratio of your body. Thus, it will be easier to maintain the weight. You can also take a proper diet plan from the dietician and join the gym. These methods will help you out with body maintenance. You will prevent getting overweight or obese.
Some benefits of using this method
The benefits of pubic fat pad removal are not only physical and sexual but also mental. You will feel more confident with your body. And here are some of the other benefits that will make you set up your mind. It will be easier to make the decision whether you want to go through it or not.
- The whole penile shaft will be more visible
- Skin irritation will be reduced significantly
- You will be able to urinate in both positions that are in standing or sitting position
- Your urinary tract will become healthier
- Your self-confidence will boost up
- You will get the higher sexual satisfaction
Risks involved in the PFPR procedure

Usually, there are no complicated problems associated with the liposuction technique. But as it is a surgical procedure, it does involve some issues. So here is a list of some of the complications that you will have to face after the liposuction;
- You might have painful erections
- The skin grafts might not heal properly and completely
- You can also face penis swelling
- The sensitivity of the genital area may also get affected
These are some of the complications associated with the Pubic Fat Pad removal procedure. But it is not common for everyone to get them. The chance of getting some of these issues is based upon your overall health status.
You might go healed entirely and have a healthy life afterward. Or you might have to face some of these complications. Therefore, it is essential to consult your doctor about these things.
Obese people look elderly and unattractive. But it is not only about the appearance that is the problem. Over-weight also results in a lot of problems. You will get deposited fats in the pubic region, which is quite common in men. Thus, it impacts sexual satisfaction and not just that your confidence level will get down.