If you’re looking at cannabis accessories and apparatuses online, you might be wondering – how much can I expect to spend? If you are trying to avoid spending your hard-earned cash/money on cannabis to use during your free time, then you need to do some research beforehand to make sure you are choosing a mixture of a high-quality and low-cost option for your enjoyment. Just because you find something that is very cheap, this doesn’t mean it is good or long-lasting – instead, try and find something that straddles the line between both, so you can enjoy this cannabis consumption method for many months – or years – without worrying about it breaking.
Let’s click here to find out how much you can expect to spend when choosing to buy online on average one of the most popular cannabis consumption smoking methods – especially one of the most popular ones that you can use with friends in social settings of a party or get-together at your house!
The average price of bongs

First – what is a bong? You may find that bongs are typically more expensive than other options on the market when it comes to cannabis consumption methods. When compared to alternatives – like vape pens or bubblers – you will usually find that bongs are more costly. This is because there are multiple moving parts that you do not need with other options.
With vape pens, all you need is a vape pen for a one-time purchase and a vape pen cartridge. Once you purchase the vape pen one time, you only need the vape pen to be replaced once it runs out.
However, with bongs, you will find that it costs more money since you are using more accessories, more moving parts, and a bigger apparatus. Bongs are usually more fun to use with other people since you can take big hits and enjoy sharing with others. Because of the long-lasting nature of bongs, the high-quality materials, and the multiple moving parts, bongs are typically costlier than other choices.
The average price of bongs
- Small bubblers – if you want a small and portable bong that will not break the bank, you can expect to spend between $5 and $20 on a bubbler. Even though this is not fun for social use, it can be good for those who enjoy using a bong while on the go.
- Medium-sized – if you enjoy spending a little bit more money, you can spend between $20 and $80 on a medium-sized and high-quality bong that will typically include one percolator.
- Big bongs – if you want a big bong with multiple accessories, you can expect to spend between $100 and $300 with fun colors, shapes, and glasswork.
- Adding accessories – if you enjoy having custom accessories and artwork, you can expect to pay over $300 for your bong and accessories.
Price of bongs by material

Furthermore, you can also have different priced bongs based on the material – not just the size of the bong! Some songs are made of very high-quality glass, whereas others are made of certain types of porcelain. There are typically a few ways that you can tell how much you will spend on your bong – the size/shape of the bong and the materials being used.
The most popular kind of material used for a bong purchase is glass – this is typically the gold standard, as it is heat resistant, looks nice, and prevents any long-term damage. Glass bongs typically allow for a high level of customization and inclusion of accessories along with their initial size, including percolators, new bowls, and catchers.
The other kind of material that can be used with a bong is silicone – this type of bong is very popular due to the extreme durability that you will not find with most kinds of glass. However, they are typically smaller and do not bode as well for social use.
In addition, you can sometimes find metal bongs. Although this option is less popular, it can still be used in certain social circles. However, metal bongs typically give a metal flavor to your bong hits, which stickers do not prefer over the clean and smoothness of glass-bong hits.
Usually, when it comes to the price of bongs by material, you will find that the glass bongs are the most expensive, whereas the metal bongs are the least expensive. However, you’re paying for quality and durability!
Price of bongs by shape

The last way that you can determine how much you will spend on your bong is by the space of the bong. Sometimes, bongs are quite small and they don’t have any interesting shapes – other times, they are big structures that have many twists and intricate turns. There are usually a few different shapes that can affect the price of how much you will spend on a bong.
- A small bong, also known as a bubbler, is like a dry pipe. This small and transportable option is typically the least expensive choice, suitable for those who do not smoke every day and want a portable option to bring to friends’ houses.
- The other type of bong you can choose is a beaker base bong, a classic bong that is smaller than a big option. This type is usually the middle of the road in terms of pricing.
- Bongs with accessories – the next kind of bong you can choose that will have a higher price range are bongs with accessories, which include bigger apparatuses that have various percolators, multiple chambers, and bigger bowls. Choose the size and shape of the bong that you want to as you can decide how much you are willing to spend on this accessory!
Depending on the type, size, and intricacy of the bong you are looking for, you can expect to spend anywhere from $5 to $300+! For those who want a small and transportable bong or bubbler, you can expect to spend under $30. For those who want a big bong to use for social settings, expect to pay between $100 and $300!
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