As a small business owner, you’re probably looking for ways to increase business growth while maintaining high profits. These two things generally come hand in hand, but it’s still important to find the right balance.
In this article, we’ll help you find ways to develop your business quickly, all while still generating profits. Of course, most of it will depend on your specific situation including the market growth, your products, competitors, customers, and other relevant factors. So, the tips listed in this article should be viewed as general guidelines, not as rules set in stone.
With that being said, let’s begin!
1. Set achievable goals

While you’ve probably heard this advice thousands of times, there’s nothing more important for a business than having a clear plan ahead. When we say “set some goals”, we don’t mean things like “becoming the new Apple”. Don’t get us wrong: being ambitious is great, but without a proper plan and help from experienced organisations like who can help you with your startup, it won’t get you far.
Your goals should be SMART: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-Based. First of all, you have to have a concrete goal that lines up with your business situation. Next, you’ll have to be able to determine if you were successful at attaining your goal, and for that to happen, your goal has to be realistic. Finally, your goals have to be relevant to your business needs, and you should set deadlines for when you plan to achieve them.
All of this helps you gain a clearer perspective on things, so you can find a better balance between business growth and profit.
2. Focus on increasing customer loyalty
Many small businesses make the mistake of overlooking their existing customers when making a long-term business plan. Keeping your existing customers satisfied with your company is of the utmost importance for both business growth and an increase in profits, especially in the long run.
Loyal customers are the best brand ambassadors you’ll ever get, and retaining old customers is much more cost-effective than trying to attract new ones. Therefore, you should focus on increasing customer loyalty! You’ll be able to generate more profit, and the part of it can be reinvested into further business development.
So, whatever you do, make sure you do not overlook your existing clientele.
3. Consider hiring freelancers

Growing and developing your business with a goal of earning higher profits will require you to hire some additional workforce eventually. Of course, if it’s only for a few projects, or you’re unsure whether to grow your business in that specific direction, you may want to consider hiring freelancers instead. Modern technology allows you access to global talents, without the need to go through costly hiring and training processes.
So, if you’re currently unable to afford the talent you need to further develop your business, consider hiring a freelancer. Good freelancers are easy to find, just make sure to pay close attention to their websites or profiles. They should have a good reputation and proof of previous experience at similar projects.
4. Digitalization
In the world of constant change and tech innovations, not keeping up with the trends can cost you your entire business. If your competitors are quicker in implementing digital solutions than you are, you’re likely to fall behind. So, if you haven’t already, make sure to search for digital solutions that will help you automate business processes and make everything much more efficient.
Of course, getting EVERYTHING digitalized is not always the best option. Look for things that your company wastes time and resources on the most, and try to find a digital solution to help you resolve the issue. For example, if your company has a communication problem, getting workplace communication software can improve the productivity levels in no time.
Before you decide to use a digital platform or software for your business needs, make sure to check online reviews and ratings at places such as HighImpactDesigner.
5. Invest in marketing

Are you lacking an effective marketing strategy? That may be the reason you’re stagnating. In today’s world, marketing is everything! It’s a way for your business to grow and simultaneously increase the profits generated.
So, if you don’t have a good web page, social media accounts, and other essential marketing tools, which are both affordable and easy to implement, you should start there. Other than that, make sure you know your target group well, so you can adapt your marketing content to their wants and needs.
Obviously, a strong marketing campaign will help you attract new customers, make more money, and grow your business substantially. So, don’t underestimate the power of a good marketing strategy!
6. Convey the message of your company to ALL of your employees

Increasing workplace productivity is the fastest way to increase your profits and to grow your company. You can do this by making everyone become a salesperson. All of your employees should be well aware of the company’s mission, so they can collaborate more easily. Once everyone knows what the end goal is, they’re more likely to contribute more ideas and keep your company growing.
Never underestimate the power of your employees. They are what keeps your company going forward, so it’s of the utmost importance that they know exactly what your goals are, no matter how small.
So, whatever you do, make sure to keep your employees up to date with your business plan. Running a successful business takes teamwork and collaboration, so focus on improving those aspects of your company as much as you can.
The bottom line
Once your business starts growing, so will your profit. Of course, the bigger your business gets, the bigger will your costs be. That’s why it’s so important to find the right balance, especially at the beginning.
As you expand, strategic relationships with distributors, channel partners, and even co-investors can become valuable resources. Once in place, look into partner relationship management software to streamline your communication, expectations, and status. Visit WorkSpan to learn more.
In this article, we compiled some of the ways you can grow your company faster, while still earning enough to keep it profitable. Remember to take everything with a grain of salt since every company, including yours, is unique, so you might have to modify some of these solutions.