Advertising your company is the best way to attract new clients and grow revenue. It doesn’t matter if you run a start-up or a large corporation. You need to have a marketing department and professionals who work on creating and launching new strategies consistently.
However, the most common question managers have is about the marketing funds. How much money should one invest in advertising? After all, it is necessary to set up a strict budget to finance this department, but it shouldn’t be too high in order not to endanger the funding of other aspects of the company.
How much money should you invest?
We have to answer this question before telling you why you shouldn’t try to save money on marketing and discuss different types of products you should invest in. The biggest mistake you can make is putting in too much money. If the strategies don’t prove as successful as you intended, you will be throwing money down the drain. The only way to prevent this from happening is to start with a small investment. Obviously, the term “small investment” depends on the size and success of your company, but start-ups can begin with a few hundred dollars a month.
According to the experts, a rule of thumb is to spend 5% of the sales profit you earn in one year. However, keep in mind that sometimes you will not be able to fund everything, so you will have to invest more money. What are we talking about? Let’s say that your marketing budget includes social media ads and merchandise. But what about the website updates and developments? Yes, this is more expensive, which is why it is considered to be the foundation, and it should not be included in the 5% mentioned above. The most important this you have to understand is that marketing is not an expense but rather an investment.
What to include in the promotional product budget?
As already stated, marketing is a broad term that doesn’t only include social media strategies, websites, and building brand recognition, but also different kinds of merchandise. Yes, you need to have a separate budget for these items, and here are some vital ones that need to be on your list.
Event gifts

First things first, when you organize a conference or present your company at a trade show, you want to make a lasting first impression. Naturally, your products, brand, and the company’s background will tell consumers everything they need to know and help them decide whether they should work with you or not. However, giving out gifts to everyone who attends your conference and approaches your stand at a trade show is a great way to build the company’s reputation. The truth is that according to research, almost 90% of visitors remember businesses that gifted them something. It doesn’t matter if we are talking about a special deal or discount for your merchandise or small promo items. When it comes to these items, you should choose them carefully. They need to represent your business in the best manner possible, but they should also be something people will appreciate.
Customized business apparel

Customized T-shirts, hoodies, jackets, vests, and others should be on your list as well. Many people do not understand how beneficial these can be but instead think of them as just clothing items with the company’s logo on them. The truth is that these can take the awareness of your brand to the next level. Yes, a simple T-shirt can do that. The best part is that everyone can wear them. Firstly, you can choose to customize uniforms that employees with wear while at work or when attending trade shows and conferences. On the other hand, you can also create an everyday lifestyle clothing line and gift these items to clients and partners. You can even give them as a part of giveaways and contests you organize on social media platforms. In a nutshell, there are no limits when it comes to the purpose of branded apparel, and you should visit the Brandability website and place your order.
Appreciation gifts

It doesn’t matter if we are talking about your regular customers, employees, or business partners. People love feeling appreciated, and it is when these gifts come in handy. There are numerous ways you can motivate your employees, and these can act as another incentive you can use. Sometimes, it doesn’t matter how small the gift may seem because it will tell the people that their hard work is being recognized.
Furthermore, you have to give back to your clients. After all, they are equally important as the people you employ, and these present can significantly boost your marketing efforts. People love getting things for free, and when they do, they are more likely to spread the word about the company, tell their friends about your products, or advertise you online. For example, you can give away gift sets to the most loyal customers, that is, the people who spend the most money on your merchandise. Generally speaking, you should invest more funds and put more thought into these. Nevertheless, you shouldn’t forget people who occasionally use your services or even the first-time buyers.
You can check out the for more information on how to invest.
You can hand these out during promotional deals, trade shows and conferences, or whenever a client spends a certain amount of money in your store. It won’t take long for you to notice the effect these presents can have, which is why you need to include them in your budget.
Wrapping up
As you can see, there is a significant difference between a marketing and promotional product budget. Both of these are essential, so you need to have a detailed plan to follow. Take some time to calculate how much money you can afford to invest without endangering other departments. Consult marketing specialists to see how much the next strategy will cost, and don’t forget to include future events in the calculations as well. It will probably take you some time, but you need to obtain all information to make the right decision and the best investment.
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