20 years ago, upon hearing the word ‘business’, we used to imagine a big corporation located in a skyscraper with a huge number of employees. Now, when we say ‘business’, we are talking about all types of companies, including those that don’t even have a land-based office.
The location doesn’t matter anymore. Today, the majority of businesses can work with their customers online, without limiting themselves geographically. Still, in order to be successful, they now have to comply with certain requirements. The first impression of the company depends on its website. So, building a high-quality website should be the primary concern of any business. Statistics say that almost 40% of users will stop engaging with a business if its website is poorly designed.
Why every business needs a high-quality website
A properly built website is a profit booster. It not only opens up new opportunities, it also transforms your business. A website should be user-friendly, intuitive to navigate, and look attractive to customers. This is easier said than done as improving user experience is a comprehensive task. It includes numerous things from making visual content adaptive to all devices to choosing proper colors and text styles for design. While for some of these tasks you need to employ a design specialist, others can be completed by automated tools. For example, you can use an adaptive content delivery tool by Uploadcare to improve user experience by making images responsive.
With this in mind, let’s take a look at some of the most vital benefits that a high-quality website can bring to your business.
1. Attracting new customers

In the physical world, your company can hardly reach the potential audience outside its city, region, or country. But the Internet erases geographical restrictions. You can interact with customers everywhere. By creating an international website, you can easily enter the global marketplace. Your company’s representative office or customer support service will be accessible from anywhere in the world. Plus, there are no additional expenses needed to open new offices outside your region. With the website, your chances of attracting and retaining customers are getting better. Thus, a website ensures a global reach of the audience and allows you to attract more customers.
2. Better sales opportunities
Better sales opportunities An offline point of sale is limited in terms of opportunities, open hours, product range, the number of processed applications, etc. The website, on the other hand, allows you to interact with the target audience in real time, quickly respond to customer requests, help clients select appropriate products, and make a purchase or cooperation decision. You can also promptly inform customers about new arrivals of goods, discounts, promotions, and special offers. Also, you may set up your site to attract visitors and turn them into leads, as the guys at conversionrate.store do. It just introduces your business to a larger audience and multiplies sales opportunities.
3. Increasing the efficiency of ads

Those who still doubt whether a small business needs the Internet presence should know that a corporate website is an effective way of advertising and brand promotion. When it comes to contacting the audience and generating sales, SEO and contextual advertising are superior to other methods such as distributing leaflets or placing outdoor advertising on billboards and city lights. The site can be used as an independent advertising platform or as an addition to a large-scale offline campaign. There are no restrictions on either the volume of information that you can submit or access to it. It enables you to accurately assess the effectiveness of advertising using your site and get a much higher ROI. Plus, the cost of designing a website is equivalent to a one-time print ad in a product catalog or renting an outdoor advert for a month or two somewhere on the public road.
4. Additional marketing and info channel
A site is a unique channel through which businesses can distribute information, publish announcements, and more. An entrepreneur, who thinks that they cannot afford to spend part of the company’s budget on building a good website, needs to understand that a website is the cheapest and the most effective way to promote small- and medium-sized businesses. A website designed in accordance with the brand’s individual style makes up the professional image of your company and contributes to its credibility. A tailor-made platform that features a trendy design and impeccable usability adds to the recognition of your brand and reflects your attitude towards customers.
5. Having all in one place

A website is the company’s information center, virtual office, library — you name it. It allows visitors to see the structured data about the company’s activities, its products or services. The site introduces the client to the company’s work processes and unobtrusively explains why it is worth their trust. There is no need to invest in a large team of consultants, who will endlessly answer the same questions. Clients can familiarize themselves with the full range of goods or services in the catalog at any time. They can also find out the addresses and contact numbers of sales offices, clarify the terms of delivery, write a letter, or order a callback. Your potential customers will get access to any information they are looking for in a matter of a few clicks.
A website is an effective multipurpose tool for any business. With a minimum investment of money and sufficient attention, it can bring a lot of profit. It is very difficult to overestimate the whole range of advantages that a website brings to businesses, especially small- and medium-sized. However, to turn your website into a source of profit, you should care to make it user-friendly and adaptive to all devices.
Entrepreneurs interested in developing a company with wide coverage, expanding the client base, increasing sales and financial turnover, cannot ignore these benefits. As practical experience shows, the site provides the best cost-benefit ratio to small businesses. In addition, quite often, an online resource becomes the only trading platform and the only marketing tool for such businesses. Don’t forget that having a website gives you a 24/7 online presence. So your business works even when you are sound asleep.