These days you’ll find many women wearing wigs, not because they have issues with their hair, but because they want to experiment with various hairstyles. It’s becoming a trend of sorts. The reason is simple – trying out something new without having to regret doing something irreversible with your natural hair. This is something women craved for decades, and now it is easily achievable. While this is an ideal way to replace your daily look, and you can easily get lost in your new appearance, you should never forget about what’s under your wing. Despite sporting a wig now, you have no reasons to stop caring about your locks under it.
Moreover, you should take the utmost care of it and make sure it’s not neglected. To make sure you’re doing everything in your power, here are seven ways to keep your hair healthy while wearing a wig – 2024 Guide. Follow our advice and take good care of both your wig and your natural hair.
1. Treat Your Scalp With a Massage

In order to look good in a wig, you’ll need it tied tidily to your scalp. Because it is going to be tight to your head for prolonged periods, it can cause a blood flow reduction. This means that your head might not receive enough blood during the day. It would be best if you had healthy blood flow in order for your hair to grow and to be healthy overall and avoid conditions such as headaches. This can be achieved through a simple massage. It will help if you massage your scalp every time you take off your wig. Also, you could choose to wear human hair half wigs, which reduce the pressure on your scalp as they don’t cover its entire surface.
2. Avoid Sleeping With Your Wig
Sleeping in a wig is not recommended if you don’t want to suffer consequences. If you do this, nonetheless, there’s a chance that your hair is going to be under tensions, which can cause it to break and lose some of its quality. The best thing to do is to remove the wig before going to bed. If you do this, both your head and hair are going to get a breathing space. This way you’ll protect your hair, your wig, and your head. It is beneficial all around.
3. Wash Your Hair Regularly

Only clean hair can be healthy. We can’t stress enough how important it is to wash your hair regularly. If you wear your wig every day, your hair is going to get dirty less, of course. But this doesn’t mean you don’t need to wash it. At least once a week should be the norm. In a case that you sweat more than usual because of the wig, you should wash it even more frequently. Your hair can get dirty even under the wig, as it can store sweat and other substances, so you need to pay attention, and don’t put wig if your hair is too dirty. Your hair needs a healthy treatment despite the fact you want to sport a wig. If you want it to be in the best condition, even under the wig, try some of the products offers.
4. Trimming is Essential
This is something most women do not get straight. Once they start wearing a wig on a regular basis they assume one thing – there’s no more need for frequent trims. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Even under the wig, your hair is sustainable to damage. When you remove the wig, you won’t help but notice that there are split ends and damaged hair. The wellbeing of your hair needs to have the damaged parts of your hair, and all split ends removed. It is because of this that your hair is going to be healthy a grow the way it’s intended. If a wig is your everyday option, hair trimming should be done every six to eight weeks.
5. Consider Wearing a Wig Cap

By now, if you have read our article carefully, you know that it is essential for you to protect your natural hair despite the fact you are currently regularly wearing a wig. One of the ways to do this is a wig cap. It is up to you to decide if you want to wear one, but we would like to recommend everyone who chooses to wear a wig. Its main goal is to be a protective barrier between a wig and your hair. Furthermore, they serve to keep your hair in order under the wig, which comes quite handy if you have issues packing your natural hair under your wig. The best part is that in addition to protecting your hair, they’re also not too expensive, so there’s no reason why you shouldn’t get yourself one.
6. No Damp Hair Whatsoever
Having damp hair under the wig is a massive no-no; a stop sign of sorts is needed to be inserted here. The first no is the uncomfortable feeling you’ll have if you pull this move. The second no is the fact you can infect yourself with various bacteria that can grow due to the wetness of your hair under the wig. We shouldn’t even mention germs. There’s no need to talk further about this; make absolutely sure that there’s any dump hair under your wig – NEVER!
7. Make Sure Your Hair is Moisturized

One of the aftereffects of wearing a wig is the dryness of your hair you’re going to feel no matter what. But, luckily, this is something you can count. There are various treatments you can use to make your hair moist such as applying oil on it. Moisture can be restored, and this is something you need to do. By doing this, you are making sure that your hair remains healthy despite being hidden under a wig. Te effects of dryness can also be avoided if you take breaks between wearing a wig and sporting your natural looks. It is good to make those breaks last for at least a couple of days.
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