Residing in Alabama, the Gray Catbird is an enchanting sight. With its slate-gray body and dark cap, this species of songbird can be spotted foraging on lawns or amongst shrubs. Not to mention it loves feasting upon fruit trees and berry bushes!
This widespread bird frequents parks as well as residential areas throughout our state, often vocalizing a distinctive melody comprised of mewing notes followed by a scolding chatter. As winter approaches, these lovely creatures migrate south – but thankfully they joyfully return each springtime!
Catbirds are fascinating creatures that often work together with other birds and animals to find food. Additionally, these remarkable birds have a unique method of communication known as “mobbing” where they fly in a group to chase off potential harm. As Catbirds aren’t territorial by nature, you can frequently spot them flying around in search of nourishment and refuge alongside one another.
The Gray Catbird, known for its stunning melody and captivating look, is greatly admired by birdwatchers all over Alabama. This particular species plays a vital role in the local ecosystem – assisting with regulating insect numbers. If you’re lucky enough to spot one of these graceful grey birds in your backyard, take some time to observe it and marvel at its beauty!
What is the most common bird in Alabama?

The Northern Cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis) is the most commonly seen bird in Alabama with its unmistakable bright red feathers. Cardinals are ever-present residents of this state, often spotted gracefully gliding through backyards and parks, woodlands, as well as other habitats across the area.
When foraging for food they primarily dine on seeds and insects found within trees and shrubs. Male cardinals flaunt their intense scarlet bodies while females boast a more earthy brownish-gray hue instead…
During mating season, you can witness the beautiful melodic songs of Cardinals as they communicate with each other and seek out mates. These spectacular birds have a wide variety of calls that are used to express themselves throughout the day. Native to much of the Eastern United States, Northern Cardinals inhabit Alabama – but unlike most birds, they don’t migrate; instead opting for life in one place all year round!
The diverse habitats of Alabama are plentiful with numerous bird species to admire and enjoy. Alongside the Northern Cardinals, Red-winged Blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus), American Goldfinches (Spinus tristis) and Carolina Chickadees (Poecile carolinensis) can be seen in fields, woodlands – even suburban settings!
(From seeds to insects and berries alike, these birds thrive on whatever is available for them in their native environment; making a stunningly colorful addition to any nature lover’s experience.)
What kind of other birds are in Alabama?

Outside of the Northern Cardinal, Red-winged Blackbird, American Goldfinch and Carolina Chickadee that are often seen in Alabama skies, there is an abundance of other birds to be discovered. You might spot Eastern Bluebirds (Sialia sialis), Common Grackles (Quiscalus quiscula) or Tufted Titmice (Baeolophus bicolor).
The American Robin (Turdus migratorius), Carolina Wrens (Thryothorus ludovicianus) may also appear near your home as well a few species of woodpeckers like the Downy Woodpecker (Dryobates pubescens) and Red-headed Woodpecker(Melanerpes erythrocephalus). Take this opportunity to explore these beautiful creatures!
Birders visiting Alabama are in for a treat, as they have the opportunity to observe a variety of waterfowl such as Mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) and Blue-winged Teals (Spatula discors). Additionally, adventurers may get lucky enough to encounter some of the rare birds that call this state home like Red-cockaded Woodpeckers (Leuconotopicus borealis) and Bachman’s Sparrows (Aimophila aestivalis)!
Whether you’re searching for a particular species of avian or just want to explore the sights, Alabama is teeming with birdlife. Thanks to its plethora of habitats, nourishment sources and year-round residents, this southern state offers an amazing selection of birds that can be seen through your binoculars!
With all it has on offer, take some time out to bask in nature’s beauty – who knows what surprises await.
What big birds live in Alabama?
Alabama is home to the inspiring Bald Eagle, a species which was once endangered but has since made an incredible recovery and now inhabits much of the state. Other large birds spotted in this region include the Red-shouldered Hawk, American White Pelican, Common Raven, and Red-tailed Hawk as well as Turkey Vultures and Great Blue Herons. A visit to Alabama provides one with truly awe-inspiring sights!
Alabama boasts an incredible array of wildlife that will captivate any nature enthusiast. From common species to the critically endangered whooping crane, you can find a wide range of birds throughout this state! Don’t miss your chance to explore all that Alabama’s avian population has to offer!
Red birds in Alabama

Found in forests and wetlands, red birds feast on insects, rodents, berries, and seeds. They nest within thick shrubs or tall trees; usually producing 2-3-5 eggs per clutch. During the winter months these beautiful creatures transition to a diet comprised of wild grapes, sumac berries, bayberries and dogwood fruits as well as suet and birdseed located at feeders.
Alabama’s red birds showcase a vibrant shade of red across their chest feathers while sporting duller shades of brown throughout other areas of their body.
With their distinctively long, pointed beaks designed for plucking insects from trees or snatching them out of the air, males usually showcase more vivacious plumage than females. These flamboyant red birds can readily be observed in various wooded pockets of Alabama, and are easily recognized due to their piercing chirps.
As well as inhabiting these natural habitats, many also thrive in both urban and suburban regions where they often feast on birdseed provided by humans. Come springtime each year these feathered friends migrate northwards with intent to breed before flying south once again come winter’s chillier days.
The vibrant hue of the red birds in Alabama make them a mesmerizing addition to any landscape, but they are more than just aesthetically pleasing. These feathered creatures play an essential role in balancing the insect population and should not be overlooked during your travels around this incredible state!
Whether you’re exploring a forest, park or suburb, take time to search for these magnificent birds – you won’t regret it!
How to create a bird feeder easily?
Crafting a bird feeder has never been simpler! With just a few materials, you can make your own in seconds. Here’s what you’ll need:
- A plastic bottle or jar that is thoroughly cleaned
- Something to hang it with – like string, sticks, dowels, hooks and more
- Some type of seed (or other food) for the birds
- Scissors or knife to cut open the container
Now, let’s begin! Ensure to clean your plastic container or jar completely from inside and make sure there is no food residue present. This could attract pests that you would rather avoid near your feeder.
After cleaning the bottle out carefully, start making holes around the top sides of it in order to hang a string or hook for suspending on a tree branch or any other structure. You may find scissors and/or knife useful for this mission of cutting multiple holes at once.
Then, take your hanging tool and thread it through the holes. Keep it in place with a knot or tape so that the feeder won’t slide. Afterward, fill up your birdfeeder with seed or another type of food before you hang it outside!