When you decide to start a new business or to improve your current one, you must consider establishing a functional website, that will help your potential customers learn more about what you are doing, and why are you one of the best options for them. Creating a nice landing page, precise description, and clear contact form should be your priority when you develop your eCommerce website. There are a lot of things you must pay attention to when you build up your site, including the content you publish there, how simple or complicated it is to use, is it available for both computers and mobile devices, and also the encryption and security when you offer purchases from it. Our pick for this job has always been the AIAD agency.
Also, there are a few main things you need to know when starting a website, that is related to its quality, and appropriate to the marketing standards. There are a few of them:
1. Research the keywords and improve your SEO strategy

We talk about search engine optimization a lot – and there is a strong reason behind that. When you want to be available and rank better on Google, this SEO is the most important technique you need to learn, so you can create great content. First, you need to research the relevant keywords and detect the most important for your business. There are many free or paid tools that will help you with that. Those keywords are important when you want to rank better on the browsers, but also on social media ads, promotional content, and so on. Next, you must understand what good SEO means.
When you have your keywords and key phrases, that doesn’t mean you will have to overwhelm your content with them. The truth is that you don’t need to be an expert in writing to do that, you just need to understand how it works and try to do it by yourself or with the staff you already have if the budget doesn’t allow you to hire an SEO-expert. But, on the other hand, you must have a long-term strategy for that, that includes using the keyword in your URL, the title, the meta description, and of course, in the featured image description. Additionally, if you use more multimedia, like videos and galleries, they should be optimized, so people can easily find what they are interested in.
2. Invest in a nice and responsive website design

There are great website templates that you can customize and adapt to your needs. Also, nowadays, you must pay attention to the fact that people are mostly on their mobile devices, and you should choose a responsive design, so the site can be nicely visible on any device. At the same time, choose a nice looking design, because no one wants to spend time on messy sites with difficult designs. You can learn more about the importance of having an eCommerce website on https://www.webx360.com and all the tools and additions you need, in order to maintain it properly – which will later lead to more sales and more visits, reaching your goals and targets.
3. Add a blog category and include guest blog posts

Do you know what will bring a lot of visits to your website? The blogs! For example, if you sell security systems, you can publish articles related to it, using the keywords you detected in the first step of your content strategy. You can even have some experts in the field write for you. They will probably share their article after you publish it, reaching more audience. Blog posts should be related to your business, and you can always include links for direct purchases, and lead your visitors to stay on your page, search through it, and find what they need. Don’t underestimate the power of those articles, and consider them as an important part of your work.
4. Be present on a few social media channels
It’s always a nice choice to be present on social media. Add your web address in the description on your Facebook page, Twitter profile, or Instagram bio. Also, you can open a YouTube channel if you plan to record relevant videos you will share on your website. These channels are great to share your content and let your potential clients meet your business, recognize it, and look for it. Maybe you think it’s not professional to be present on social media, but you should believe the marketing experts, who are developing strong strategies to promote some brand or company on Facebook or Instagram. These channels are important, because most of your future clients are there, scrolling through their news feed. We are also lucky that these platforms suggest specially tailored ads, according to the users’ searches. So, if someone is interested in what you are offering, Facebook will serve the ad to them.
5. Track the activity using Google Analytics

There is no better way to track your customers’ behavior than the old but still gold Google Analytics. You can see how your website is working in general, separate the demography of your clients, see the relevance of the content you publish, and use all the tools available there to see different statistics, that may be really important for your website strategy. When you know your audience and their preferences, you will have a good leading point on how you can improve your content, and products too, and also, make a better strategy that will bring more visits and sales. You can analyze your monthly data, or choose a relevant period to see how everything went or have the changes you incorporated made some improvement. You can’t know all of this information if you don’t use Google Analytics.
We hope that now you realize how important is to have a functional, clear, and visually nice website. It’s a crucial tool when it comes to improving your business, and leading the customers to buy your product or service. Follow these five important things, and you will have the best strategy possible to implement in your business.
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