If you want to invest your money in a cool and worthwhile establishment, you should try building your own bar. They are great places to hang out and meet new people, and running one will not only gain you new friends but memories as well. However, if you want your bar to make an impact with potential visitors, you should make it as attractive as possible. Here are 7 Ways to upgrade your bar design:
1. Have a Set Theme
Before you start building your bar design, you should have a set theme. By having a set theme, you’ll have an overall plan throughout the building process. If you don’t have a set theme, your bar’s design will be all over the place.
You can practically choose any theme, whether it is an Irish pub concept or a Japanese-style bar it is all up to you. What matters is that you stick to this theme throughout the building process. When choosing a set theme, you should also consider one that you can afford.
2. Utilize Neon Signs
One effective way you could improve your bar is to utilize neon signs in your design. Neon signs have been a fixture in bars for decades because they make the bar easier to identify. Neon signs also add a certain flair and charm to your bar.
Having neon signs installed in your bar may seem a bit expensive, however, in the past few decades companies such as Ginde Star have developed neon lights that are very easy to maintain and install. Ginde Star has various Led Strip Lights for sale, which you can get at very affordable prices. With these new types of neon lights, you will be able to create a truly beautiful neon sign.
3. Utilize Quality Furniture
If you want your bar design to impress your bar-goers, you should really invest in quality furniture. Remember that you want your customers to stay in your bar as long as possible. The longer they stay, the more drinks and side dishes they will buy.
However, if your furniture is tacky and uncomfortable, they will surely not want to stay for long. So make it a priority to purchase quality and comfortable furniture. Aside from being of good quality, your furniture should also match your overall theme. For example, your bar has an Irish pub motif, so you should use the type of furniture that is synonymous with Irish pubs, such as bar stools, booths, and barrel drink stands to name but a few.
Having your furniture customized to fit a certain them could be a bit more expensive, however, its overall effect on your bar’s aesthetic is worth it.
4. Use Classy Antiques as Decorations
When it comes to decorating your bar, it is always a good idea to use antiques. By utilizing antiques in your design, you will not only enhance its overall aesthetic, but you will also give your bar a bit of flair and personality. They could also be a great conversation starter for your customers.
Your choice of antiques should match your overall theme. For example, your bar is using an industrial era theme. This means you will be using steel and wood aesthetics. To further enhance this, you could decorate the bar with whalebone carvings from the turn of the century. You could also use old machines that were taken from industrial factories. Overall, when it comes to decorating it, antiques are always a great option.
5. Utilize Your Space Effectively
If you want your bar to be attractive to potential customers, it is important that you utilize your space as effectively as possible. Although some people do prefer them to be a bit intimate and closed in, they should never be cramped or uncomfortable. Make sure that there is enough space for customers to walk through. Remember that there will be times where the bar is crowded, and if there is not enough space between the booths and the bar, your customers may get stuck.
It is also important that your bartender is strategically placed to serve as many customers as possible. So when you make the bar counters, it should encircle the bartender, that way he or she does not need to run from one end of the bar to the other. Overall, when it comes to utilizing your bar’s space, efficiency is key.
6. Highlight your Liquor Collection
Aside from being a great place to hang out and meet new people, bars are also a perfect place to enjoy a nice drink. So you should make it a point to highlight your supply of alcoholic drinks. When you purchase a liquor cabinet, it should not only be organized but aesthetically pleasing as well.
The liquor cabinet should have adequate and attractive lighting. When you are mixing your drinks, you will want to be able to see what drinks you are using. You could use warm-toned bulbs to give off a certain ambiance, or you could even install neon lights to your cabinet for added effect.
7. Keep Things Nice and Clean
If there’s one aspect of running a bar that you should be consistent with, it is keeping things nice and clean. Remember that there is already a preconceived notion that bars are dirty, and it is your job to convince visitors that your bar practices good hygiene. By making sure that it is clean and well-maintained, you are showing customers that you care about their welfare. It is also a sign that your bar is well-maintained and worth hanging out in.
Bars are great places to hang out and meet new people. So if you have your very own one, you are sure to interact with different people from all walks of life. However, your bar should be as attractive as possible, if you want to attract new visitors. With these great tips, you’ll be able to upgrade your bar design in the best way possible.
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