When you’re scouring the web looking at your options for college, you have probably come across some really strange choices. There’s a huge debate on which are the most useless degrees nowadays, but what about course subjects? Even if you choose something rather popular and promising such as a college business program, you can still be shocked about a subject offered in the institution’s list.
Today, strange choices of useless degrees as well as subjects are definitely on the rise. Did you know that you can get an MS in Foresight at the University of Houston and become an actual ‘professional futurist’? This makes you somewhat of a licensed psychic, which is rather useless when you go out in the real world to look for a job.
Some even debate that some frequently pursued courses have turned into worthless college degrees such as cosmetics or culinary arts due to the small discrepancy between salaries for graduates and people who haven’t graduated.
Ultimately, there are those subjects that will fall into your course selection list, making you wonder who put them there and what you can learn if you choose them. The most interesting thing I found about such courses is that they are often offered in some of the most prestigious and popular colleges and universities in the world! Here are the five strangest and most ridiculous college subjects I’ve come across.
Tree Climbing
Yes, you heard right. Something that you enjoyed doing as a child can give you actual college credit. The strangest thing about it is the place that offers this course – an actual Ivy League school, Cornell University.
This marvelous university allows students to pick a course in Tree Climbing and get a single credit. The goal of the course is described concisely with this statement:
‘’Cornell Outdoor Education’s Tree Climbing course will teach you how to get up into the canopy of any tree, to move around, even to climb from one tree to another without touching the ground.’’
How to Watch Television
Well, if you thought that you’ve mastered the amazing art of watching TV, you might be wrong after all! The Montclair State University has literally introduced a course called ‘How to Watch Television’, teaching you the basics: put on the comfortable pants, lie down on a couch, and zone out with your favorite TV show.
If you choose this course, you’ll basically be going through the fine art that is watching TV. According to the university, the course is intended to teach students to evaluate TV’s role in their lives, which is definitely not something clear by its title.
I can’t stop but imagine what the term paper or an essay on this subject would be like. In such case, I definitely think I’d go to my favorite service and scream at the top of my lungs: can you write my research paper for me please – I can’t write an entire essay on how I watch TV!
Getting Dressed
No, this isn’t really a fashion course, but a course that teaches you something your parents taught you when you were old enough to put on some clothes. Interestingly enough, there isn’t a course for getting undressed. As silly as it sounds, this course is real and offered by an Ivy League school, no less.
This is a freshman seminar at the renowned, amazing Princeton University. The author of the course examines how things people wear shape who they are. The course teaches you the amazing art of getting dressed in the morning. You’ll hardly impress an employer when you mention this in your resume, right?
The Art of Walking
The names of these courses just get funnier and funnier! College students might not be as active as they should be to keep themselves healthy, but I don’t think many of them have forgotten how to walk?
This course is taught by Centre College in Kentucky and it explores topics from Kant to Heidegger. Basically, it is one long walk to get the credits, since you’d be walking up to 25 miles at a stretch.
The Amazing World of Bubbles
I left this for last because it is my favorite. This is the funniest course name and subject I’ve ever come across. It’s basically a course on how to blow air in the plastic wand to make bubbles.
Kidding aside, this is an entire course, so it explores more than this. The Caltech School has decided to add this to their subject lists and teach students about bubbles and their different forms. If you like bubbles or would like to learn more about them, the course will teach you about what they do and how they do this.
But, if you are ebulliophobic, this course will be a nightmare. It explores everything from dangerous bubbles to bubbles used in a variety of medical procedures.
Would you be interested in taking some of these courses? I sure would – at least to see what the information would be like. It must be fun and often, even surprising to learn details about things we see as very basic. Well, there you have it – the list of the most ridiculous subjects I’ve ever heard.
Most students don’t even get why they need this or that subject. The complex assignments received on these strange disciplines are usually delegated to the professionals students find online on NoCramming.com by scanning the Essay Pro review and others.
Author’s Bio
Rey Campbell is a freelance writer and tutor. His goal is simple – to help students in any way possible. This is why he uses his amazing writing skills to create e-books and write papers for those who order them. You can follow his work on Twitter.
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